How will we use the information you provide?
Your anonymised data will be used by researchers to understand contact patterns between domestic and wild bird(s) and people. We will use the data to draw conclusions and make policy recommendations via written reports. No individual will be identified in any of the output or reports. The information you provide will not contain any personal identifiable information and will be stored safely and securely.
What will happen to my data?
Your involvement in the study will remain confidential. This information will only be available to research staff and national bodies which monitor whether research studies are conducted properly. Your study data will be anonymised. This means that any identifying information about you will be removed. It will not be possible to identify you from any aspect of documentation or reporting for this research study. At the end of the study the data will be made “Open Data”. This means that it will be stored in an online database so that it is publicly available.
What is Open Data?
Open data means that data are made available, free of charge, to anyone interested in the research, or who wishes to conduct their own analysis of the data. All data will be anonymised before it is made available and therefore there will be no way to identify you from the research data.
Why Open Data?
Open access to research findings and access to data is considered best research practice and is a requirement of many funding bodies and scientific journals. As a large proportion of research is publicly funded, the outcomes of the research should be made publicly available. Sharing data helps to maximise the impact of investment through wider use, and encourages new avenues of research.