The data note containing the results from our questionnaire so far can be found here.
As of the 31st of July 2024, 225 people had completed the survey. The median age of participants was 48 years. More men responded than women with 63% being male. 46% of the participants were poultry farmers. Other jobs included zookeepers, veterinarians, and retired individuals. 93 out of 203 people reported owning birds, with flock sizes ranging from 1 to over 10,000. A large proportion of individuals reported having daily contact with birds, the next most common interaction with birds was touching their waste or eggs. Chickens were the most reported species, followed by ducks, turkey, owls, wild geese, gulls, parrots, and guinea fowl.
This data collected shows us people’s knowledge of bird flu. It also shows us how they protect themselves and their flocks from the disease. This information gained will be used by researchers and the government to help aid the spread of the virus.